What Partnering With us Looks Like
LLN collaborates with schools nationwide, specializing in preschool-12 language education, recognizing the distinctiveness of each institution. Leveraging these unique attributes, LLN works hand-in-hand with schools to design bespoke language programs that cater to the requirements of their students.

Education That Fits Your Needs

Online Learning
LLN offers online classroom instruction to students regardless of their location, ensuring flexibility and accessibility. Our comprehensive educational approach includes customized curriculum, instructional materials, resources, assessments, school community engagement activities, professional development, teacher observations, and both curricular and instructional support, ensuring a seamless online learning experience.

The LLN Advantage
Whether you choose onsite classroom instruction with our dedicated teachers or opt for online instruction with live LLN teachers, you gain access to a world of resources and support. Our partnership includes not only classroom instruction but also a rich curriculum, assessments, engagement with the school community through activities like conferences and back-to-school nights, professional development opportunities, teacher observations, and curricular and instructional support. Join the schools that have already experienced the LLN Advantage, and see the difference it can make in your language education programs.